Lynx Lake to MacKay Lake
About this Canoe Route
Lynx Lake to MacKay Lake
Options are as plenty as the fish on this Lynx Lake to McKay Lake route! Southerly options are to explore Wadin Bay or meander to Jepson-Sutherland-Bulbick off Sulphide Lake. From Sulphide Lake you can head easterly to Caribou-Freda-Sim, then southwesterly from Freestone-Hebden to get to Contact Lake. Or you can take a northerly route from Sulphide to Contact through Mekewap Lake. After Baldhead & Cote Lake, explore Mackay Lake nooks before your take-out. Pick the route that suits your fancy.
Sheltered, small lakes make this a great learning area for those without a bevvy of experience with northern Saskatchewan canoe tripping. Portages, varied in length & features, give you a taste of what those who traveled these ancient routes experienced in days of old.
Montreal River Outpost offers the convenience of a shuttle for your Lynx Lake put-in and Mackay Lake take-out. A short trip with lasting memories!

Canoe Trip Photo Gallery
Lynx Lake to MacKay Lake

Book Your Canoe Trip Shuttle Online
Found the Northern Saskatchewan canoe route for your next adventure? Make sure you have all the gear you need! Our online booking system allows you to reserve your canoe rentals, canoe shuttles, and all other outdoor gear you may need on your Northern Saskatchewan canoe trip.
Canoe Rentals
Our specialty. We have Esquif Prospector canoes, a popular choise - and Kisseynew Canoes for those looking for something a little more luxurious.

Get to the start of your trip, or picked up at the end. With room for multiple canoes, all your equipment, and your crew too!

Kayaks, SUPs, Tubes
If canoeing isn't your thing, we have more options to explore the waters. Rent a Kayak, Stand-up Paddle Board, or a personal flotation tube!

Camping Equipment
Sometimes you need a little extra something, or maybe you forgot it at home! No worries, we got you covered with a range of camping equipment for rent.